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These InterfaceOptions for customising TiddlyWiki are saved in your browser
Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a WikiWord (eg JoeBloggs)
TiddlyWiki is published by Jeremy Ruston at Osmosoft under a BSD open source license GTD TiddlyWiki is a modification by Nathan Bowers at Snapgrid under the same license terms. TiddlyTagWiki is a modification by Jonny LeRoy of ThoughtWorks under the same license terms.
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When it loads, TiddlyWiki looks for the names of tiddlers to open as a space-separated list after the # in the URL. If there are no tiddlers in the URL it instead loads the tiddlers named in DefaultTiddlers, one of the SpecialTiddlers.
TiddlyWiki is published under a BSD OpenSourceLicense that gives you the freedom to use it pretty much however you want, including for commercial purposes, as long as you keep my copyright notice. I'd appreciate a link back to as well.
InternetExplorer on Windows allows you to SaveChanges in TiddlyWiki. It will give you an ActiveX warning, and ask for your permission to proceed each time. It should work from version 4, but I have only extensively tested against version 6. I have found some annoying difficulties with XpServicePack2, but there's always FireFox.
A WikiWord is a word composed of a bunch of other words slammed together with each of their first letters capitalised. WikiWord notation in a conventional WikiWikiWeb is used to name individual pages while TiddlyWiki uses WikiWord titles for smaller chunks of MicroContent. Referring to a page with a WikiWord automatically creates a link to it. Clicking on a link jumps to that page or, if it doesn't exist, to an editor to create it. This ThirdVersion of TiddlyWiki also adds NonWikiWordLinks.
A Wiki is a popular way of building collaborative websites. It's based on the ideas of easy editing of pages and the use of special WikiWord notation to automagically create links between pages. See Wikipedia for [[more details|]]. TiddlyWiki is different from a conventional Wiki because it is not based on entire pages of content, but rather items of MicroContent that are referred to as 'tiddlers'.
I think this feature from the SecondVersion of TiddlyWiki is quite original. It's a button in the right-hand sidebar that sets the browser address bar to a URL embodying all the currently open tiddlers in the order that they are currently shown. To use it, arrange the open tiddlers that you want, click the permaview button, copy the URL from the browser address bar, and then paste it into an email, web page or whatever.
When you type more than three characters in the search box at the upper right, any matching tiddlers are automatically displayed with the text highlighted. There's a couple of minor issues: the highlights don't get removed when you clear the search, and occasionally, on some browsers, keystrokes get missed if you type quickly so you may need to click the 'search' button to manually trigger the search.
Try holding down the alt- or shift-key while clicking on a link to a tiddler, on the 'options' button or on the CloseButton for a tiddler. Kind of a respectful homage to Mac OS X, which does something similar for many of its system animations. (On browsers like InternetExplorer that use the shift key to open a new window, it's best to use the alt-key).
RegExpSearch uses JavaScript's [[RegExp syntax|]] to allow flexible searches.
InterfaceOptions are displayed when you click the 'options' button on the right. They are saved in a cookie on your browser, making them sticky between visits. RegExpSearch allows more complex search expressions; CaseSensitiveSearch does as it's name implies. The user name for edits should be set //before// starting to edit things (ouch. another bug).
''Bold''\n==Strike==\n__Underline__\n//Italic//\n2^^3^^=8\na~~ij~~ = -a~~ji~~\n@@highlight@@\n@@color(green):green colored@@\n@@bgcolor(#ff0000):color(#ffffff):red colored@@
TiddlyWiki uses several special tiddlers to hold the text used for the MainMenu, the SiteTitle and the SiteSubtitle. DefaultTiddlers is used to store the titles of the tiddlers that are shown at startup. SaveChanges is automatically displayed if there's a problem with saving. Any of them can be edited with the changes taking effect immediately.
If you rename a Tiddler and it lives in MainMenu or DefaultTiddlers, you'll need to update those SpecialTiddlers manually.
The creator of TiddlyWiki and a technologist based in London. He does consultancy work through his company [[Osmosoft|]], as well as pursuing some independent projects like TiddlyWiki.
"Tiddlers" are the building blocks of TiddlyWiki. Each "entry" or "post" is a Tiddler. There are also SpecialTiddlers that control the MainMenu, SiteTitle, SiteSubtitle, and list of DefaultTiddlers that display on start up.
There's now an option under InterfaceOptions to allow TiddlyWiki's animation effects to be turned off.
Enter Tiddler edit mode and click "delete" \n\nIf you delete a Tiddler that lives in MainMenu or DefaultTiddlers, you'll need to manually remove them from those SpecialTiddlers.\n\nSee also: RenameTiddlers
! Preferred Method\n# Create new Tiddlers directly in the MainMenu by typing them in the MainMenu Tiddler.\n\n! Method 2\n# Click CreateNewTiddler in the MainMenu.\n# Edit the title and content to create.\n\n! Method 3\n# Enter a mixed-case WikiWord (or double square brackets for NonWikiWordLinks) into an existing Tiddler.\n# Click on the new italicized "empty" Tiddler to edit.\n# When you are done editing, the Tiddler is created.
You can SaveChanges if you're using FireFox or InternetExplorer:\n# if you're using Windows XP you might run into ServicePack2Problems\n# right click on [[this link|#]] and select 'Save link as...' or 'Save target as...'\n** choose where to save the file, and what to call it (but keep the .HTML extension)\n# open the newly downloaded file in your browser\n# click the 'options' button to set your username\n# edit, create and delete the tiddlers you want\n** you can change the SpecialTiddlers to change the SiteTitle and MainMenu etc.\n# Every time you click "done" or press [ctrl+enter] after editing a Tiddler, your changes are saved and a backup of the last saved state is created.\n
TiddlyWiki is a spare time project that I'm making available under an OpenSourceLicense. Accordingly, there's no warranty on it, and you can only use it at your own risk. To report bugs go to the GoogleGroup.
Questions? Comments? Bugs? Please use the GTD Tiddly Wiki GoogleGroup. It's the best way to get a response and you'll have more eyes on your issue.\n\nMy email is [wiki (at) snapgrid (dot) com] or my [[mail form|]]. Due to the popularity of this app I can't reply to everyone, though I do read all emails.\n\nTo contact the original creator of TiddlyWiki, EmailJeremy.
Visit the [[Google Group|]] to report bugs, annoyances, ask questions, offer help, or sound off.
* Double click on a Tidder entry to edit it.\n* [Control + Enter] accepts your changes and switches out of editing mode\n* [Escape] abandons your changes and reverts the tiddler to it's previous state
!Supported\n* Firefox\n* Win IE 6 (caveat: see KnownBugs)\n* Camino (I haven't verified this)\n\n!Non Supported\n* Safari: Saving doesn't work in Safari, which renders TiddlyWiki useless. If anyone knows of a work around, report it at the GoogleGroup.\n* Opera: I've gotten mixed reports.
!Bugs\n* "Highlighted" and Hexidecimal colored text formatting is broken\n* When printing WIN/IE 6 inserts one blank page because it does not recognize the :first-child CSS psuedo element.\n* WIN/IE 6 messes up list items when you edit a Tiddler with multiple headings.\n\n!Annoyances\n* You have to do alot to customize your browser print settings to remove the page URL, pagination, timestamp, and ensure that the output is sized and paged correctly.\n* Firefox/Mac has no "page properties" interface for removing the page URL, page numbers, etc... from printed pages. This is pretty lame. Try entering about:config in Firefox's URL bar and look for "print" to configure it the hard way. Ask the Firefox development team to fix this.\n\n!Help out\n* If you you encounter new bugs, can help fix bugs, or can help make this usable in Safari, Opera, or handhelds, go to the GoogleGroup. Thanks!
Micro-content with the power of tags ...
What everyone wants, but not everyone gets ... at least not all the time.
When TiddlyTagWiki is updated with enhancements and fixes, here's how to upgrade while keeping your data.\n\n* Just to be safe, create a backup of your current file and archive it somewhere. Though if you've already been using it there will be a whole bunch of backups (maybe too many).\n\nOkay then:\n* Open your TiddlyWiki file (say it's called "mystuff.html") in a browser.\n* Without closing that page, right-click on [[this link|#]], select 'Save target' or 'Save link' and save it as "mystuff.html", replacing your existing file\n* Now go back to the previously opened copy of "mystuff.html" in your browser and SaveChanges by editing a Tiddler (you don't have to actually change any text, just click "done"). It will inherit the newly saved code\n* Refresh the page in the browser to verify that the upgrade has worked
Because TiddlyWiki is a single HTML file, you've actually already downloaded the entire software just by viewing this site. If you want to be able to SaveChanges, you can save your own TiddlyWiki to your local drive by right clicking on [[this link|#]] and selecting 'Save link as...' or 'Save target as...'. You can choose where to save the file, and what to call it (but keep the .HTML extension).
It's easy to make your own TiddlyWiki that you can publish yourself - see how to SaveChanges for details. If you want to change the layout or the colour scheme, you'll need some basic HTML and CSS knowledge.
Within the main story column you can click on bold links to read a linked tiddler. Click on italic links to create a new tiddler. When you hover the mouse over a tiddler several ToolbarButtons appear. You can edit the text of any tiddler by double-clicking on it (or selecting 'edit' from the toolbar), but your changes won't get saved permanently until you make your own copy of TiddlyWiki, as described in SaveChanges.
TiddlyTagWiki\nTiddlyTags\nNewFeatures\nUsingThisSite\nReusingThisSite\nDownloadSoftware\nHowToUpgrade\n\n[[Create New Tiddler]]\n\n
MicroContent being a fashionable word for self-contained fragments of content that are typically smaller than entire pages. Often MicroContent is presented via some kind of aggregation that reduces the perceptual shock and resource cost of context switching (eg Blogs aggregating several entries onto a page or Flickr presenting photos in an album). This TiddlyWiki aggregates MicroContent items that I call 'tiddlers' into pages that are loaded in one gulp and progressively displayed as the user clicks hypertext links to read them.
Edit this to see how to create Headers\n\n!Header 1\n!!Header 2\n!!!Header 3\n!!!!Header 4\n!!!!!Header 5\n
Edit this tiddler to see how to insert images.\n[img[]]
Edit this tiddler to see how to create BulletPoints\n* Like this one\n* And this one\n** And this second-level one\n* And a final one
JeremyRuston said:\n<<<\nA TiddlyWiki is like a blog because it's divided up into neat little chunks, but it encourages you to read it by hyperlinking rather than sequentially: if you like, a non-linear blog analogue that binds the individual microcontent items into a cohesive whole. I think that TiddlyWiki represents a novel medium for writing, and will promote it's own distinctive WritingStyle. This is the first version of TiddlyWiki and so, as discussed in TiddlyWikiDev, it's bound to be FullOfBugs, have many MissingFeatures and fail to meet all of the DesignGoals. And of course there's NoWarranty, and it might be judged a StupidName.\n<<<\n\n>level 1\n>level 1\n>>level 2\n>>level 2\n>>>level 3\n>>>level 3\n>>level 2\n>level 1\n
|Standard Periodic Table (ref. Wikipedia)|c\n|| !1 | !2 |!| !3 | !4 | !5 | !6 | !7 | !8 | !9 | !10 | !11 | !12 | !13 | !14 | !15 | !16 | !17 | !18 |\n|!1|bgcolor(#a0ffa0): @@color(red):H@@ |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>||bgcolor(#c0ffff): @@color(red):He@@ |\n|!2|bgcolor(#ff6666): Li |bgcolor(#ffdead): Be |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>||bgcolor(#cccc99): B |bgcolor(#a0ffa0): C |bgcolor(#a0ffa0): @@color(red):N@@ |bgcolor(#a0ffa0): @@color(red):O@@ |bgcolor(#ffff99): @@color(red):F@@ |bgcolor(#c0ffff): @@color(red):Ne@@ |\n|!3|bgcolor(#ff6666): Na |bgcolor(#ffdead): Mg |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>||bgcolor(#cccccc): Al |bgcolor(#cccc99): Si |bgcolor(#a0ffa0): P |bgcolor(#a0ffa0): S |bgcolor(#ffff99): @@color(red):Cl@@ |bgcolor(#c0ffff): @@color(red):Ar@@ |\n|!4|bgcolor(#ff6666): K |bgcolor(#ffdead): Ca ||bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Sc |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Ti |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): V |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Cr |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Mn |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Fe |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Co |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Ni |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Cu |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Zn |bgcolor(#cccccc): Ga |bgcolor(#cccc99): Ge |bgcolor(#cccc99): As |bgcolor(#a0ffa0): Se |bgcolor(#ffff99): @@color(green):Br@@ |bgcolor(#c0ffff): @@color(red):Kr@@ |\n|!5|bgcolor(#ff6666): Rb |bgcolor(#ffdead): Sr ||bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Y |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Zr |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Nb |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Mo |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Tc |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Ru |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Rh |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Pd |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Ag |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Cd |bgcolor(#cccccc): In |bgcolor(#cccccc): Sn |bgcolor(#cccc99): Sb |bgcolor(#cccc99): Te |bgcolor(#ffff99): I |bgcolor(#c0ffff): @@color(red):Xe@@ |\n|!6|bgcolor(#ff6666): Cs |bgcolor(#ffdead): Ba |bgcolor(#ffbfff):^^*1^^|bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Lu |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Hf |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Ta |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): W |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Re |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Os |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Ir |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Pt |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Au |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): @@color(green):Hg@@ |bgcolor(#cccccc): Tl |bgcolor(#cccccc): Pb |bgcolor(#cccccc): Bi |bgcolor(#cccc99): Po |bgcolor(#ffff99): At |bgcolor(#c0ffff): @@color(red):Rn@@ |\n|!7|bgcolor(#ff6666): Fr |bgcolor(#ffdead): Ra |bgcolor(#ff99cc):^^*2^^|bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Lr |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Rf |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Db |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Sq |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Bh |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Hs |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Mt |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Ds |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Rg |bgcolor(#ffc0c0): @@color(green):Uub@@ |bgcolor(#cccccc): Uut |bgcolor(#cccccc): Uuq |bgcolor(#cccccc): Uup |bgcolor(#cccccc): Uuh |bgcolor(#fcfecc): @@color(#cccccc):Uus@@ |bgcolor(#ecfefc): @@color(#cccccc):Uuo@@ |\n\n| !Lanthanides^^*1^^|bgcolor(#ffbfff): La |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Ce |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Pr |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Nd |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Pm |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Sm |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Eu |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Gd |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Tb |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Dy |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Ho |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Er |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Tm |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Yb |\n| !Actinides^^*2^^|bgcolor(#ff99cc): Ac |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Th |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Pa |bgcolor(#ff99cc): U |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Np |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Pu |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Am |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Cm |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Bk |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Cf |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Es |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Fm |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Md |bgcolor(#ff99cc): No |\n\n*Chemical Series of the Periodic Table\n**@@bgcolor(#ff6666): Alkali metals@@\n**@@bgcolor(#ffdead): Alkaline earth metals@@\n**@@bgcolor(#ffbfff): Lanthanides@@\n**@@bgcolor(#ff99cc): Actinides@@\n**@@bgcolor(#ffc0c0): Transition metals@@\n**@@bgcolor(#cccccc): Poor metals@@\n**@@bgcolor(#cccc99): Metalloids@@\n**@@bgcolor(#a0ffa0): Nonmetals@@\n**@@bgcolor(#ffff99): Halogens@@\n**@@bgcolor(#c0ffff): Noble gases@@\n\n*State at standard temperature and pressure\n**those in @@color(red):red@@ are gases\n**those in @@color(green):green@@ are liquids\n**those in black are solids
The format for PrettyLinks allows for links that open local or network folders. Depending on your browser and operating system, the folders are opened in Windows Explorer, the OS X Finder, or the browser itself.\n\nEdit this tiddler to see [[this link to a Windows network share|file://server/share/folder/path/name]], [[this link to a Windows drive-mapped folder|file:///c:/folder/path/name]] and [[this link to a Unix-style folder|file:///folder/path/name]].
*sample:\n|!th1111111111|!th2222222222|\n|>| colspan |\n| rowspan |left|\n|~| right|\n|bgcolor(#a0ffa0):colored| center |\n|caption|c\n*another sample: see PeriodicTable.\n
TiddlyWiki uses Wiki style markup, a way of lightly "tagging" plain text so it can be transformed into HTML. Edit this Tiddler to see samples.\n\n! Header Samples\n!Header 1\n!!Header 2\n!!!Header 3\n!!!!Header 4\n!!!!!Header 5\n\n! Unordered Lists:\n* Lists are where it's at\n* Just use an asterisk and you're set\n** To nest lists just add more asterisks...\n*** this\n* The circle makes a great bullet because once you've printed a list you can mark off completed items\n* You can also nest mixed list types\n## Like this\n\n! Ordered Lists\n# Ordered lists are pretty neat too\n# If you're handy with HTML and CSS you could customize the [[numbering scheme|]]\n## To nest, just add more octothorpes (pound signs)...\n### Like this\n* You can also\n** Mix list types\n*** like this\n# Pretty neat don't you think?\n\n! Tiddler links\nTo create a Tiddler link, just use mixed-case WikiWord, or use [[brackets]] for NonWikiWordLinks. This is how the GTD style [[@Action]] lists are created. \n\nNote that existing Tiddlers are in bold and empty Tiddlers are in italics. See CreatingTiddlers for details.\n\n! External Links\nYou can link to [[external sites|]] with brackets. You can also LinkToFolders on your machine or network shares.\n\n! Images\nEdit this tiddler to see how it's done.\n[img[]]\n\n!Tables\n|!th1111111111|!th2222222222|\n|>| colspan |\n| rowspan |left|\n|~| right|\n|colored| center |\n|caption|c\n\nFor a complex table example, see PeriodicTable.\n\n! Horizontal Rules\nYou can divide a tiddler into\n----\nsections by typing four dashes on a line by themselves.\n\n! Blockquotes\n<<<\nThis is how you do an extended, wrapped blockquote so you don't have to put angle quotes on every line.\n<<<\n>level 1\n>level 1\n>>level 2\n>>level 2\n>>>level 3\n>>>level 3\n>>level 2\n>level 1\n\n! Other Formatting\n''Bold''\n==Strike==\n__Underline__\n//Italic//\nSuperscript: 2^^3^^=8\nSubscript: a~~ij~~ = -a~~ji~~\n@@highlight@@ Unfortunately highlighting is broken right now.\n@@color(green):green colored@@\n@@bgcolor(#ff0000):color(#ffffff):red colored@@ Hex colors are also broken right now.\n
[[Whatsonwhen|]]\n[[International Student Travel Confederation|]]\n[[Methods Consulting|]]\n[[Phil Braham|]]\n
I'm Jonny LeRoy, an IT consultant working for [[ThoughtWorks|]] in London.\n\nIn a previous incarnation IMadeThat. You can ContactMe if you want to say nice things.
That's my surname and yes it does have a captital "R" in the middle, which makes it slightly annoying for Wikis since it always gets turned into a link ...
My email is:\n\n''jleroy at thoughtworks dot com''\n\n//mutatis mutandis//\n
This version of TiddlyWiki is based on a mixture of JeremyRuston's original and NathanBower's GTDTiddlyWiki.\n\nThe main functional change from the original TiddlyWiki is the introduction of TiddlyTags - allowing you to categorise your Tiddlers in an ad hoc manner. \n\nI've also updated the LookAndFeel and layout to suit my [[Flickr|]] obsessed taste.\n\nOther small changes include the automatic saving of the current layout to the OptionsCookie rather than using the DefaultTiddlers. Though they are still used if no layout is set in the OptionsCookie.\n\nYou can now also select to view the TimeLine filtered to just show Tiddlers that you've modified. This has been commented out for now since it isn't configurable and if you haven't edited anything then nothing will appear in the timeline. If you UseTheSource then you can put this filter back in ;-) \n\nI've also changed the backup logic so it saves to a sub-directory called "backup" - this just keeps the main directory cleaner and makes it simpler to zip up your backups to reduce space.
A little cookie storing various options for how the TiddlyTagWiki should function. \n\n!Changes\nI've also stored the current layout in there - it gets updated each time you open or close a Tiddler. This means that when you come back to the page the layout will be remembered.\n\nYou can still get back to the default view (defined in DefaultTiddlers) by clicking "Reset Layout" on the lefthand options menu.\n\nIf you don't yet have a cookie stored you will just see the DefaultTiddlers.
Welcome to TiddlyTagWiki - an adaptation of Jeremy Ruston's TiddlyWiki. It's a simple, self-contained, client-side, personal publishing engine. It's a single web page containing all the content you create and the logic to link it all together. This makes it fast and portable.\n\nThe addition of TiddlyTags allows you greater control over how you group together your chunks of MicroContent.\n\nThe NewFeatures of this version were hacked together by JonnyLeRoy because he loved [[the original|]], but just wanted a LittleBitMore.
A TiddlyWiki is like a blog because it's divided up into neat little chunks, but it encourages you to read it by hyperlinking rather than sequentially: if you like, a non-linear blog analogue that binds the individual microcontent items into a cohesive whole. I think that TiddlyWiki represents a novel medium for writing, and will promote it's own distinctive WritingStyle. This is the ThirdVersion of TiddlyWiki, which adds several NewFeatures. There are also several TiddlyWikiAdaptations by other developers based on earlier versions.\n\nThe original TiddlyWiki is [[here|]].
Go on, have a look, have a play, it's yours. \nGo on, be bold, make some changes. \nGo on, be even bolder, upload the changes, and tell someone.\n\nGo on, it's what Jedi coders do ...\n\nGoogleGroup
TiddlyTags are simple keywords you can add to Tiddlers to help classify and group them.\n\nThere's an edit box below the main content box where you can enter them - just separate them with spaces.\n\nAll the tags that you've created will be added to a list on the left, along with a count of how many Tiddlers each tag is attached to.\n\nIf you want to have a tag made up of multiple words, just separate them with underscores like_this_example. The underscores will be stripped out in the list on the left.\n\nFor another implementation of tags in a TiddlyWiki see TagglyWiki.
Jody Foo has put together another tag-based implementation where the tags are also Tiddlers\n\n
A brief list of conceptual problems and benefits with TiddlyWiki\n\n!Pros\n* Download software - you've already got it!\n* Pushes the processing load client-side\n* Fast interaction\n* Highly portable\n* Next generation of webapps - more local\n* Naturally open source\n\n!Cons\n* Not easy for collaboration - need to save to the same file.\n* Needs work on remote syncing\n* If used for web page isn't ideal for search engines\n* Not RESTful architecture?\n* Decentralised source distribution leads to many branches - hard to merge back together\n* Cross-browser issues?\n* Natural size limit - doesn't scale?\n\n